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Week 35


Asia-Pacific air passenger traffic reaches 27.2 million in July

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August 29th 2023

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Asia-Pacific carriers flew 146.6% more passengers on international services in July, up from 11 million air travellers flown in the same month in 2022. Read More » Capacity, or available seat kilometres (ASK), was 98.8% higher year-on-year for the month, the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) said in its latest report. “The start of the second half of the year showed a continuation of the strong recovery trend for Asia’s airlines, with sustained growth in major regional economies fuelling the appetite for international travel,” AAPA director-general, Subhas Menon, said. “In the passenger segment, demand is expected to remain strong, underpinning more growth in the sector. Nevertheless, uncertainties in the wider macro-economic environment, in addition to increased living costs, may eventually lead to cutbacks in spending on travel.” The July passenger numbers represented 83.8% of the 32.5 million passengers carried by the region’s airlines in pre-COVID July 2019. ASKs were 77.1% of the capacity offered by carriers four years ago.

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