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Week 37


AirAsia group targets full fleet flying by year-end

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September 14th 2023

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AirAsia expects have all 204 of the group’s aircraft in service by the end of the year, from 180 aircraft today. Read More » The LCC group said the return of the fleet to pre-pandemic levels and plans to increase the number of aircraft at its airlines in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand to 300 by 2028 is supported by a “refreshed agreement” with engine manufacturer CFM International. “After more than two years of COVID, we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel,” said Tony Fernandes, CEO of AirAsia group parent company, Capital A. “CFM’s fleet stability support is a vital catalyst to returning to full activation. I am proud of Asia Digital Engineering, our own engineering facility, and want to thank each and every one of our engineers not only for doing their day-to-day jobs but for focusing on the group’s aircraft reactivation work.” CFM International CEO, Gaël Méheust, said: “AirAsia has been a valuable CFM customer for nearly two decades. We are delighted to support it and its plans to fully reactivate the group’s fleet.”

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