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Week 6


SpiceJet granted religious pilgrimage flight rights for second consecutive year

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February 6th 2024

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SpiceJet has secured the rights to operate religious pilgrimage flights from seven cities in India to Saudi Arabia. Read More » Haj operations from Aurangabad, Bhopal, Gaya, Guwahati, Indore, Srinagar and Vijayawada are scheduled to commence on May 9, SpiceJet said, with three wide-bodies dedicated to pilgrimage operations. The company anticipates earnings in 2024 to exceed the revenue of 3.4 billion rupee (US$41 million) generated from last year's flights. “Haj has always been a significant segment for SpiceJet and we are committed to providing the best-in-class services for the pilgrims,” SpiceJet chair and managing director, Ajay Singh, said.

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