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APRIL 2024

Week 14


Region’s airlines record 11.9% air cargo demand growth in February

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April 4th 2024

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Asia-Pacific air freight demand increased 11.9% year-on-year in February, data released by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) reports. Read More » The latest results were a significant decrease from January’s 24.3% year-on-year growth and likely were related to slowing activity after the Lunar New Year celebrations, IATA said. Capacity increased by 23.1% year-on-year after more belly capacity came online as air passenger business recovered, the airline association said. Total global demand, measured in Cargo Tonne Kilometers, improved compared with February 2023 and Available Cargo Tonne Kilometers increased against a year ago. “February’s demand growth far outpaced the 0.9% expansion in cross-border trade. This strong start for 2024 could see demand surpass the exceptionally high levels of early 2022. It also shows air cargo’s strong resilience in the face of continuing political and economic uncertainties,” IATA director general, Willie Walsh, said.

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