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MAY 2024

Week 20


Japan’s leading international carriers report divergent Golden Week fortunes

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May 13th 2024

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All Nippon Airways (ANA) flew 1.2 million domestic passengers in Japan's recent Golden Week (April 27 to May 6), up 5.9% from 1.1 million air travellers in the same holiday days in 2023. Read More » The Star Alliance member's passenger load factor for the peak North Asia travel week was higher by 2.8 percentage points, at 69.9%. Okinawa was a strong performer, ANA said, with passengers traveling to the island destination up 112% year-on-year. The news was not so good at ANA rival and flag carrier, Japan Airlines (JAL). Its domestic 2024 Golden Week passengers were lower by 7.1%, at 948,254 customers. In the same annual holiday in 2023, JAL transported 1.02 million passengers. The oneworld alliance member's passenger load factor for the ten days was down 5.3 percentage points, to 72.1%.

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