A trusted source of Asia-Pacific commercial aviation news and analysis

JULY 2024

Week 29


Japan announces measures to increase jet fuel supply at major airports

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July 18th 2024

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Japan’s production and importation of jet fuel is being increased to address supply shortfalls at the country’s airports. Read More » Uncertain fuel availability for airlines operating into and from the country’s airports has disrupted flight schedules and curtailed air traffic expansion at a time of peak demand. Additionally, domestic media has reported some foreign airlines have suspended opening routes to Japan because of jet fuel shortages. Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announced on July 17 it will increase fuel delivery to effected airports using larger vessels to airports and will hire more refueling staff to address logistics issues. “We are requesting oil refineries increase output as soon as they can,” Agency for Natural Resources and Energy director, Takehiko Nagai, said.

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