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JULY 2016

Week 26


Garuda crosses fingers for return to the U.S.

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July 1st 2016

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Flag carrier Garuda Indonesia hopes for a return to the U.S. next year. In an interview with local news agency Antara, Garuda chief, Arif Wibowo, said service to the U.S. forms an important part of the carrier’s five-year plan. Read More » The airline chief said approximately 400,000 passengers travel between Indonesia and the U.S. a year, particularly to and from New York and Los Angeles. "The number of potential passengers departing from Los Angeles is 120,000, while many more depart from New York," Arif said.

Having said that, it is by no means certain Garuda will be allowed to expand into North America. The carrier’s return hinges on the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) lifting Indonesia’s safety rating to Category 1. The island nation is currently being audited by FAA officials. Their findings are expected as early as next week.

Garuda said it will route any potential flights to the U.S. via Tokyo’s Narita Airport, given range limitations with its existing fleet.

The carrier has said it would decide this year whether to exercise letters of intent for 30 A350s or 30 B787-9s. Competitor Singapore Airlines (SIA) will be the launch operator of the A350 ULR from 2018, enabling it to serve New York and Los Angeles nonstop from its Singapore hub.

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