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APRIL 2017

Week 15


Air New Zealand unveils wider middle seats

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April 13th 2017

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Air New Zealand (Air NZ) has long been considered an industry driver for innovation and this is not looking to change anytime soon. Read More »

The airline has unveiled a seat design for its incoming A320neo/A321neo fleet which increases window and aisle seat width by a centimetre compared with its A320ceo fleet. More significantly, it also added three centimetres in width to the unpopular middle seat.

“We have many customers who prefer window or aisle seats. Its possible the new design may see the middle seat receive a boost in popularity,” said Air NZ general manger for customer experience, Anita Hawthorne.

The slim-line seat is being developed by UK-based Acro Aircraft Seating and was first presented at last week’s Aircraft Interiors Expo (AIX) in Hamburg.

Acro CEO, Chris Brady, said: “To reveal the new seat at this event was hugely exciting and piqued a lot of interest in the new product from other airlines and the wider industry alike.”

Air NZ has 13 A320neo Family aircraft on order. They will replace its A320ceo fleet on domestic, trans-Tasman and South Pacific routes. The Star Alliance carrier will receive nine A320neo and four A321neo from 2018.

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