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Week 5


Taiwan holds fast in rejecting extra Mainland Lunar holiday flights

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February 2nd 2018

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Ahead of the Chinese New Year travel peak, Taiwan’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) this week angered Mainland China and its carriers when it rejected their applications for 176 additional flights. Read More »

Specifically, the CAA denied China Eastern Airlines and Xiamen Airlines requests for 106 and 70 additional cross-strait flights, respectively, during the month-long Lunar New Year period from February 2 to March 2. The CAA rejected the carriers’ applications citing safety concerns.

Earlier this month, the Mainland opened several air routes, including a northbound route up the Taiwan Strait – Route M503 – which Taiwan says was done without its agreement, breaking a 2015 deal to first discuss such flight paths.

Route M503 was previously reserved for southbound aircraft only. The CAA argues the flight path has not yet been proven safe for northbound operations, adding it was too close to existing routes.

China says there is no safety threat. “We express our strong dissatisfaction and condemnation of the Taiwan authorities, who disregard public opinion and cling obstinately to their course,” China Eastern said.

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