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APRIL 2018

Week 16


Emirates to firm 16 A380 options

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April 20th 2018

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Dubai’s Emirates Airline will convert options for 16 A380s into firm orders “sooner rather than later”, airline president, Tim Clark, has said. Read More »

Emirates placed a top-up order for 20 firm and 16 optioned A380s earlier this year. The carrier has not yet decided on which engines to order for the new batch of A380s scheduled for delivery from 2020.

Emirates is the largest operator of Airbus’ superjumbo. It currently flies 102 A380s, with another 60 on firm order, excluding the options the carrier intends to firm up.

The airline is currently facing a pilot shortage, which is forcing it to reduce frequencies on a number of routes this summer. Tim Clark said Emirates was short of 100-150 pilots, but the problem was only temporary, given that approximately 170 pilots would soon graduate from its cadet program.

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