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Week 46


Hong Kong International Airport sets up segregated COVID-19 testing

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November 18th 2021

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A COVID-19 testing centre dedicated exclusively to travellers from China started operating today at Hong Kong International Airport’s T1 Satellite concourse as the city builds its case to reopen borders with the Mainland. Read More » The separate collection centre is part of a new processing of segregating mainland visitors from arrivals from other countries intended to prevent cross-infection from areas with a higher COVID-19 risk. Travellers from countries apart from China are tested on arrival at a separate collection centre in the T1 Midfield Concourse. “In support of the government’s initiative to further segregate travellers from different places at the airport, since 15 November Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) has been handling flights from/to mainland China exclusively in the Green Zone and flights from/to places outside China only in the Orange Zone in the restricted area of T1,’’ the AAHK said. “Each zone has its own designated shops, restaurants and toilets. Signage has been put up for identification of the respective zones. Additional airport staff have been deployed to assist passengers,” the AAHK said. Employees servicing the China zone are not allowed to mix with staff from the other zones with each group assigned designated facilities, toilets and restaurants. 

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