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Week 46


Singapore and Airbus to study airport hub for hydrogen powered aircraft

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November 19th 2021

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The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) and Airbus will study the airport infrastructure needed to support hydrogen powered aircraft operations as part of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on sustainable aviation signed by the two partners. Read More » A two-year study by CAAS and the European aerospace giant will examine the feasibility of an “airport hydrogen hub” with a focus on the production, storage and distribution of hydrogen as well as aircraft ground services, logistical equipment and refuelling systems. The study, due to start early next year, will be part of a wider examination of alternative aviation fuels and how they could contribute to decarbonisation strategies. It will explore the opportunities for research and development into disruptive technologies as well as the economic conditions, regulatory environment and international standards necessary to support sustainable aviation. “Recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic will not be a return to business-as-usual but an opportunity to rebuild an aviation sector that is more sustainable,’’ CAAS director-general, Han Kok Juan, said, and added the collaboration with Airbus served as an important pathfinder to better understand the challenges and opportunities of sustainable aviation. “It is not a question of whether but of how to make flying greener and developing concrete pathways to achieve that goal while ensuring air travel is still accessible,’’ he said. “Making sustainable aviation viable requires cross-sectoral collaboration to reinvent the entire eco-system and close partnership between the public and private sectors.”

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