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APRIL 2022

Week 16


AirAsia calls for easing of tests and paperwork to reduce friction of air travel

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April 19th 2022

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AirAsia Aviation Group CEO, Bo Lingam, has called on governments to continue to ease requirements for international travel so airfares can be lowered and administrative work reduced for air passengers. Read More » “It is a sad fact that some of our airfares are cheaper than the COVID-19 tests required by many countries in Asia, making the overall cost of air travel burdensome for most of the ordinary travellers we serve," Lingam said. "The testing requirements, including the number and type of tests involved, should be constantly reviewed to ensure they remain relevant, without burdening travellers with documentation or compromising public health," Lingam said. “Another key issue faced by air travellers is the additional paperwork and various non-standardised entry applications required by different countries. These too should be urgently reviewed as the current processes tend to be duplicative and cause confusion amongst travellers." Lingam welcomed the decisions of Australia, Cambodia, India and Singapore to remove the "superfluous COVID-19 travel insurance requirement" for those travelling to the country. “We will continue to work closely with respective governments, regulators and industry partners across Asia and the Pacific and thank them for their support as we strive together to reduce the friction of air travel to stimulate demand and help revive the economy as a whole," Lingam said.

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