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Week 43


Asia-Pacific airlines flew 11.7 million passengers in September: AAPA

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October 27th 2022

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Asia-Pacific carriers transported 11.7 million international passengers in September, down 10.7% from the 13.1 million air travellers they flew in August. Read More » Despite the decline, the September figure was an improvement over the 1.4 million passengers carried by the region’s airlines in the same month in 2021, the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) said. “Asian airlines are seeing encouraging recovery in international travel demand and achieving load factors close to pre-pandemic levels,” AAPA director general, Subhas Menon, said. “Overall, the region’s airlines continue to face a challenging operating environment, with costs under pressure from high fuel prices and weak local currencies.” The AAPA’s statistics are aggregated from the traffic data of 40 Asia-Pacific airlines. In pre-COVID-19 September 2019, the region’s airlines flew 29.1 million passengers.

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