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Week 41

The Lowdown

Politics curb mainland carriers’ international expansion

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October 7th 2014

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This Week in Asia-Pacific Aviation has been told that both China Southern Airlines and Xiamen Air have been pushing “for years” for traffic rights out of Beijing’s Capital Airport for long-haul operations to Australia, Europe and the U.S. Read More »

However, none have been granted and as it looks none will be until at least the end of this year.

The strongest opposing force to the two carriers’ expansion plans is said to be Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) chief Li Jiaxing, whose term at the helm of the mainland’s aviation watchdog expires in December.

Jiaxing was chairman of Beijing-based flag carrier Air China before being promoted to the position of China’s top aviation administrator.

Sources close to the CAAC have said Jiaxing has always protected the interests of ‘his’ Air China, much to the detriment of the ‘quasi-competition’ from other mainland carriers.

In other news, This Week in Asia-Pacific Aviation has established that a report by World Civil Aviation Resource Net about Xiamen Air launching direct flights from Xiamen to Nice from next year is false.

Instead, the same source who asked to remain anonymous, has said the Fujian carrier will open a new Xiamen – Amsterdam route by year-end at the latest.

The move would make sense, given the countless onward connections available on SkyTeam partner KLM from the Dutch capital.

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