A trusted source of Asia-Pacific commercial aviation news and analysis

JULY 2023

Week 27


SITA data confirms new peak in air travel post-pandemic

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July 3rd 2023

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One in 10 passengers is planning to take more than 10 flights in 2023, up from 6% in 2019, travel technology provider, SITA, states. Read More » On average, passengers are forecast to take 4.7 flights in the current year compared with 4.2 flights in 2019, it added. “It is encouraging for our industry that passengers want to travel and want to travel better in light of some of the challenges airports and airlines have experienced with congestion in the past year,” SITA CEO, David Lavorel, said. “With passengers indicating a clear intention to travel more frequently this year, the industry is well advised to address their concerns, deploying, for example, increased automation.” SITA said its latest data was drawn from its 2023 Passenger IT Insights report. The survey canvassed the views of about 6,000 passengers from 27 countries in April 2023. It will be published in full in September.

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