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JULY 2023

Week 29


International community marks anniversary of the downing of MH17 that killed all passengers and crew

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July 18th 2023

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The international community has reiterated its commitment to ensuring those responsible for the deadly attack on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 on July 17, 2014 are brought to justice. Read More » The shooting down of the 777-200ER killed all 298 people on board. In November 2022, a Dutch court delivered a guilty verdict in a criminal case. Separately, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) is proceeding with the hearing on the Settlement of Differences between the conflicting parties. “Malaysia is resolute that the process must pursue truth, justice and accountability,” Malaysia's Ministry of Transport said. “We reiterate our deepest sympathies and condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims of the downing of flight MH17.” Australia's Foreign Minister, Penny Wong, said Australia, the Netherlands and the European Union worked closely together to impose targeted financial sanctions and travel bans on persons involved in the downing of MH17. “Australia maintains Russia is responsible under international law for the downing of flight MH17,” Wong said. “Russia must take responsibility for the role it played in this horrific act of violence and stop harbouring those who contributed to the downing of flight MH17 and the murder of all on board.” The European Union said: “The European Union reiterates its full support for all efforts to establish the truth, achieving justice for the 298 victims of the downing of Flight MH17 and their next of kin and holding those responsible to account, in accordance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 2166.”

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