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Regional Round-Up

China tops chart for MRO growth

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February 1st 2015

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Global MRO forecasters predict China will lead the region in MRO business in the next decade with the Asia-Pacific continuing its role as the industry’s growth engine, with an annual growth rate of 5% a year compared with a global average of 4.2%. Read More »

China’s huge MRO business is expected to be 250% bigger by 2025, with an annual growth rate of 9.8%. India will expand at over 10% a year, but will remain a relatively small part of the total market, with growth averaging 1%-3% every twelve months.

China is a net exporter of aircraft MRO with Mainland Chinese airlines earning S478 million, with 91% of the contracts serviced by MROs based in China. The country’s MROs are estimated to have earned $601 million from airlines, excluding modifications.

The Asia-Pacific generally is a net exporter of airframe maintenance services, with the region’s airlines generating US$1.3 billion in aircraft MRO demand. About 93% of this demand is met by Asia-Pacific MRO providers. See Manufacturers winning battle for MRO business.

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