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Week 6


Hong Kong airport authority reaffirms redevelopment timeline

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February 6th 2024

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Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) said Hong Kong International Airport's (HKIA) three-runway system (3RS) project was on track for completion “on time and as planned” in 2024, with work progressing “steadily on all fronts”. Read More » The authority issued the statement following a Bloomberg news agency report that said HKIA's second terminal redevelopment had been delayed until at least 2025 and that all the three runways will only be fully operational next year, citing unnamed sources. “The 3RS project includes construction of the third runway, expansion of Terminal 2 (T2), construction of the T2 Concourse, reconfiguration of the centre runway and the construction and installation of related infrastructure and systems,” AAHK said. “The third runway was commissioned in November 2022 and the reconfiguration of the centre runway is continuing as planned. AAHK will deploy a flexible phasing strategy for the commissioning of the new 3RS passenger facilities to align with the progress of the post-pandemic air traffic recovery and prevailing passenger demand.”

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