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Week 6


Fiji Airways rejects complaint of financial mismanagement over charter operator’s missed payment

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February 6th 2024

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Fiji Airways has rejected Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) allegations concerning charter flights from Israel to Fiji in 2023. Read More » The company was “committed to transparency” and pledged to “cooperate fully with any lawful investigation” initiated by the ICAC. “The allegations primarily concern the legality of a Deed of Forbearance and Guarantee between Fiji Airways and a charterer. The charter company faced challenges in meeting its payment obligations, ” Fiji Airways said. “The deed was drafted by the company’s legal counsel and was a prudent and lawful measure taken to protect the company’s interests and ensure a viable payment plan. The deed did not reduce the amount payable by the charterer to Fiji Airways for the charter flights, but rather split the payment into a number of instalments. While a payment instalment due last December was missed, the company is in ongoing communication with the charterer and expects to receive full payment of the outstanding balance of the charter price in coming weeks,” the airline said.

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