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APRIL 2024

Week 14


Malaysia on track to surpass 2019 air passenger traffic numbers

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April 2nd 2024

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The Malaysian Aviation Commission (MAVCOM) said airline passenger numbers for the first two months of calendar 2024 suggested Malaysia is on track to exceed 2019 air traveller numbers this year. Read More » MAVCOM said the 8.1 million passengers processed in February were 95.4% of the passengers carried in the same month four years ago. “The aviation sector is on a trajectory to robust recovery with air passenger traffic for February 2024 showcasing a significant upturn,” MAVCOM executive chair, Datuk Seri Hj. Saripuddin Hj. Kasim, said. “The present data indicates demand for air travel in Malaysia may reach pre-pandemic levels by next December and potentially surpass it in 2025. Current aircraft capacity remains a pressing issue due to supply chain disruption that is causing delays in aircraft deliveries. It is imperative airlines meticulously plan their networks and allocate their resources efficiently.” MAVCOM has forecast Malaysia will record throughput of 93.9 million to 107.1 million passengers this year.

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