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MAY 2024

Week 20


Hong Kong raises airport passenger security charge

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May 15th 2024

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Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) is lifting the passenger security charge (PSC) at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) from HK$55 (US$7) per passenger currently to HK$75 from January 1, 2025. Read More » The PSC could potentially increase to HK$75 from 2027 onwards “subject to passenger traffic growth and prevailing passenger traffic demand at HKIA”, AAHK said. “With the objective of maintaining security excellence, the adjustments will provide funding for upgrading the airport’s security facilities and systems by installing a smart passenger security screening system, replacing the hold baggage screening system and expanding the security coverage to related areas under the three-runway system,” AAHK said. "In line with the 'user pays, cost recovery' principle stipulated in the Hong Kong aviation security programme, the PSC adjustments will recover the additional costs of the enhanced security measures and systems to be put in place at HKIA in the coming years.” AAHK said the PSC was last reviewed in 2021.

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