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MAY 2024

Week 21


Garuda and Singapore Air seek to implement revenue sharing agreement, reciprocal frequent flyer benefits

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May 21st 2024

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Garuda Indonesia and Singapore Airlines (SIA) have signed agreements to offer reciprocal frequent flyer benefits and explore revenue-sharing arrangements for flights between Indonesia and Singapore. Read More » The agreements, signed in Jakarta yesterday (Monday May 20), built on an existing codeshare partnership between the two carriers and their joint-marketing activities to promote tourism. “Our win-win partnership with Garuda Indonesia will improve the connectivity between Indonesia and Singapore for our customers," SIA CEO, Goh Choon Phong, said. "This will help to meet the increasing demand for air travel between the two countries and beyond, as well as facilitate the growth of tourism and economic activities." Garuda Indonesia CEO, Irfan Setiaputra, said: "Having the same mission in optimising the potential of the aviation business ecosystem in South East Asia after the pandemic, this initiative is certainly an important manifestation of both airlines’ commitment to continue strengthening our well-established cooperation."

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