A trusted source of Asia-Pacific commercial aviation news and analysis

MAY 2024

Week 22


Japan Airlines receives “severe warning” on safety oversight

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May 29th 2024

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The Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) has issued Japan Airlines (JAL) with a severe warning about its safety management systems and has given the airline until June 11 to inform the regulator of the measures it will take to ensure the safety of its passengers and the prevention of recent incidents reoccurring. Read More » The letter to JAL highlighted five safety incidents: when a JAL aircraft crossed an active runway at Seattle airport without receiving air traffic control clearance, February 2020 when a JAL aircraft entered the wrong taxiway at San Diego airport that resulted in an aircraft on approach to land performing a go-around, in May 2020 a JAL aircraft crossed the runway at Fukuoka airport as another aircraft was on take-off and May this year a JAL aircraft on pushback from the gate collided with a JAL airliner being towed. The letter also referred to the recent cancellation of a Dallas/Fort Worth-Tokyo Haneda flight because one of the pilots got drunk at a hotel bar. The letter urged JAL to conduct a comprehensive review of its safety management systems, which it said were not functioning effectively. The JCAB is ready to provide guidance and supervision to ensure JAL maintained a safe operation, the directive added.

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