A trusted source of Asia-Pacific commercial aviation news and analysis

MAY 2024

Week 22


Asia-Pacific is world’s fastest growing air passenger market, global airline association reports

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May 31st 2024

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Asia-Pacific airlines continue to lead the way in passenger demand growth the International Air Transport Association (IATA) reports. Read More » For April, Asia-Pacific carriers recorded a 32.1% year-on-year increase in demand, measured in revenue passenger kilometers (RPKs), and a 29.3% increase in available kilometers (ASK) year-on-year. Load factor improved to 83.7%, a 1.7ppt increase over a year ago. Traffic flows from the Middle East and Africa to Asia are notably strong, IATA noted. Global demand in April was higher by 11.0% compared with 12 months ago and capacity was up 9.6% year-on-year. Load factor for the month reached 82.4%, 1ppt more than in April 2023.

“Passenger demand has been growing for 36 consecutive months. As we enter the peak northern summer travel season, there is every reason to feel optimistic about a strong summer with airlines offering a wide range of travel options,” IATA director general, Willie Walsh, said.

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