A trusted source of Asia-Pacific commercial aviation news and analysis

JULY 2024

Week 27


Chengdu Airlines ARJ21 completes inaugural flight to higher-plateau airport

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July 4th 2024

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China’s first locally manufactured regional passenger jet, the ARJ21, successfully flew its first higher-plateau commercial rotation earlier this week. Read More » Operated by Chengdu Airlines and marking the route’s launch, the single aisle aircraft departed from Kashgar’s Laining International Airport and landed at Tashkurgan’s Khunjerab Airport, China's westernmost airport that is 3,260 meters above sea level. The Civil Aviation Administration of China categorizes aviation bases that are 2,438 meters or more above sea level as higher plateau airports. Twenty four Mainland airports are in this category. Aircraft types permitted to operate into and from higher plateau airports are the A319, the A330 and the 737-700.

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