A trusted source of Asia-Pacific commercial aviation news and analysis

JULY 2024

Week 28


Hong Kong International Airport headed for full recovery by December

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July 9th 2024

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In its latest annual report, Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) said the Special Administrative Region’s airport will return to pre-pandemic passenger volumes by year-end with daily air traveller and aircraft movements forecast to be robust in the Christmas travel peak. Read More » “With this momentum, we anticipate a full recovery by the end of 2024,” now retired chair, Jack So, wrote. “The third runway was commissioned in November 2022, on time and within budget,” So said. “Other 3RS-related works - reconfiguration of the centre runway, Terminal 2’s (T2) expansion, the development of the T2 Concourse and associated infrastructure and systems are progressing as planned for completion by the end of 2024.” So’s successor is Fred Lam, until June the AAHK’s CEO.

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