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JULY 2024

Week 28

Asia-Pacific Aerospace Briefs Today

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July 9th 2024

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Today's briefs report news from AerCap, Air India, Clark International Airport, Federal Express Corporation, Lufthansa Technik, Melbourne Airport and SITA. Read More »

Lessor AerCap signed 162 lease agreements, completed 47 purchases and 37 sale transactions in the quarter to June 30.

Air India has selected Lufthansa Technik to provide component support for its 27 777s. The multi-year contract, commenced this month, is for total component support and access to a global component pool and logistics services.

Federal Express Corporation has signed an agreement with the operator of Clark International Airport in the Philippines, Luzon International Premiere Airport Development, to double the size of its 17,000sqm facility at the airport.

Melbourne Airport has decided to support an above-ground railway station at Tullamarine Airport, opening the way for negotiations with the Victorian government for the construction of a rail link from down town Melbourne to restart. The airport rail project has stalled because Melbourne Airport favours an underground station and has opposed the Victorian government's preference for an above-ground, and less expensive to guild, station.

Air travel technology provider, SITA, said 2023 was one of the company's “best years yet”, with annual global revenues up 7%, to US$1.5 billion, compared with the previous year. At its annual general assembly last month SITA said “all signs so far in 2024” pointed to a similarly positive performance this year.

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