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Special Report: MRO Asia-Pacific update


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October 1st 2015

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Andreas Meisel, the former managing director of Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services has moved to China as the Chief MRO Operations Officer at Ameco Beijing, a joint venture between the German company and Air China. Read More »

His successor is Dr. Christian Langer, who was most recently the founding managing director of Lumics GmbH & Co KG, a joint venture between Lufthansa Technik AG and consultancy McKinsey & Company.

Spairliners, an A380 components spares supplier jointly owned by Air France and Lufthansa Technik, has promoted the company’s CFO, Sven-Uve Hueschler, to CEO. His successor as CFO is Benoit Crombois, the former procurement director at AFI KLM E&M.

Global parts supplier and inventory manager, AAR, has appointed Timothy Romenesko vice chairman of the U.S. headquartered company and strategic advisor to CEO and chairman, David Storch. The AAR chief has added the role of AAR president to his duties. Randy Martinez is AAR’s new corporate vice president of strategy and business development, who will also report to Storch.

Satair does yuan deals

Managing director Satair Group China, Yongdong Hu, said the company’s policy to sell its aircraft parts in local currency to customers in China unable to pay in US dollars has grown the Satair Group’s customer base by 10%. The Satair Group, now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Airbus S.A.S., set up in China in 1995. It has more than 100 airline, MRO and aircraft manufacturing parts clients in the Chinese aftermarket.

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