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Business Digest

Summer season boosts Asia-Pacific International bookings

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October 1st 2015

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International air passenger demand remained robust in June, with the region’s airlines recording a 6.0% year-on-year increase in the passengers carried to 21.9 million for the month. Measured in revenue passenger kilometres (RPK), international passenger demand increased by 6.2% while available seat capacity expanded by 5.8%, leading to a marginal 0.3 percentage point rise in the average international passenger load factor, to 77.8%. Read More »

In the first half of the year, international passenger numbers grew by 9.4%, to 135.7 million. In RPKs, demand increased by 8.3%, underscoring the relative strength of regional  markets. Travel to Japan remained strong, but Korea was adversely affected by the recent MERS outbreak.

For coming months, international passenger demand is expected to maintain its growth trajectory, with competitive fares underpinning demand for leisure travel.

Asia Pacific international freight slowing

Air cargo markets continued to soften in June as international trade activities declined. Measured in freight tonne kilometres (FTK), demand fell by 2.2%, compared to the same month last year. The month’s decline represented a further slowdown from the weak 1.5% increase in May. Available freight capacity continued to grow, recording a 1.6% increase, which resulted in a 2.5 percentage point drop in the average international freight load factor, to 63.5%, for the month.

Overall, the first half of the year had a 4.5% expansion in international freight demand. Available freight capacity grew by 4.8%, leading to a 0.1 percentage point decline in the average international freight load factor, to 64.2%.

The outlook of the air cargo sector has become increasingly uncertain, driven by concerns about a greater than expected slowdown in China, one of the region’s major engines of economic growth.


Taken together, airlines based in the region carried 23.7 million international passengers in July, a 6.5% increase compared with the same month last year.  In revenue passenger kilometre (RPK) terms, international passenger demand grew by 8.6%, exceeding the 6.2% expansion in available seat capacity by a comfortable margin. As a result, the average international passenger load factor climbed 1.8 percentage points higher to 80.9% for the month.

Air freight markets followed the pattern of slowing demand in July, which reflected a decline in world trade activity and weakening demand for Asian exports. Measured in freight tonne kilometre (FTK) terms, air cargo demand registered a 2.2% decline compared with the same month last year. Offered freight capacity increased by 2.9%, leading to a 3.2 percentage point fall in the average international freight load factor, to 62.1%, for the month.

* Click here for a comprehensive AAPA monthly statistics digest.
This report was compiled by the Research and Statistics Department of the AAPA Secretariat.

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