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IATA returns to Havana the city of its birth 70 years ago

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December 1st 2015

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In April 1945, representatives of 57 airlines gathered in Havana, Cuba, to set up the International Air Transport Association. Read More » Seventy years on, the organization is made up of more than 260 airlines and has developed into the leading advocate of all issues that concern the global aviation industry. Cuba’s aviation industry has had a rockier political path to tread, but since the country cautiously opened to the world, Cuba’s 11 million people have had a lot more opportunities to fly beyond their island country’s borders.

In acknowledgement of its growth, the International Air Transport Association is setting up a branch of its industry critical billing and settlement plan (BSP) in Cuba, which the association’s director general and CEO, Tony Tyler, outlined on a visit to the country last month. Since the breakthrough in restoring relations between Cuba and the U.S. a year ago, “U.S. charter flights traffic has increased 35%”, said Tyler in Havana, “so you can imagine what will happen once a full range of scheduled services are available”.

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