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Regional Round-Up

Changi plans 'lavish' complex

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September 1st 2013

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Singapore’s Changi Airport Group (CAG) has announced plans to build a lavish destination complex with expansive indoor gardens and a “breathtaking waterfall” on 3.5 hectares opposite Terminal 1. Read More »

Plans for Project Jewel include additional space in the arrivals hall, baggage claim areas and taxi bays at the terminal and a multi-storey basement car park. Aimed at enhancing Singapore’s role as a global aviation hub for passengers as well as attracting Singapore residents, the development will connect with terminals 1, 2, and 3. 

Said Lee Seouw Hiang, CAG’s CEO: “Passengers transiting through Changi are a significant component - about 30% - of Singapore’s hub traffic. To strengthen Changi’s competitive advantage and ensure we continue to capture passenger market share and traffic, we must take deliberate steps to enhance Changi’s attractiveness as a stopover point.

“With Project Jewel, we are pleased to be developing an exciting product that will swing travellers to choose Changi Airport and Singapore.”

The Asia-Pacific division of Airports Council International said the top five airports in the region are Beijing (1), Tokyo Haneda (2), Dubai (3), Jakarta (4) and Hong Kong (5).

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