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JULY 2016

Week 28


Boeing launches B777 performance upgrade package; Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 TEN certified

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July 15th 2016

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Boeing has announced the launch of a B777 retrofittable performance improvement package, which will enable existing B777 operators to open new routes, fly existing ones more efficiently and improve payload capacity and range. Read More » Launch customer, Qatar Airways, will be upgrading its entire fleet of 53 B777s using the package.

In another milestone, Rolls-Royce (RR) has received European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) certification for its Trent 1000 TEN (Thrust, Efficiency and New Technology), the new alternative engine to General Electric’s GEnx-1B to power the B787 Dreamliner.

The Trent 1000 TEN will power all B787 variants, drawing from technologies from the RR Trent XWB engine, the sole power plant for the A350, delivering thrust and efficiency improvements.

The engine’s certification was welcomed by All Nippon Airways (ANA) CEO, Osamu Shinobe, who told Orient Aviation the carrier had been waiting for a higher-thrust B787 engine to launch scheduled services from Tokyo to Mexico City next February without payload restrictions.

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