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JUNE 2017


Airbus announces independent compliance panel

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June 1st 2017

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Airbus announced last month it would establish a three-member independent panel to review the company’s compliance with contemporary anti-bribery laws. Read More » Panel members are litigation lawyer, Lord Gold, former French minister for European Affairs and a member of France’s highest court on administration and tax, Noelle Lenoir, and former German finance minister, Theodor Waigel.

Airbus is being investigated for alleged corrupt behavior when securing orders for aircraft, including deals made for airplane purchases in Thailand and Indonesia. French and British authorities are examining the alleged use of middle men to win business for Airbus . Airbus Group CEO, Tom Enders, said the aircraft manufacturing group has been co-operating fully with UK and French investigators and that improving Airbus’ compliance system was obviously “our number one priority now”.

“To embed irreproachable behaviours in all our business undertakings sustainably, we must take a hard look at both our systems and our cultures,” he said.

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