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Industry Addendum

AFI KLM E&M consolidate alliance with Indonesia’s GMF AeroAsia

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October 1st 2017

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AFI KLM E&M and Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia have signed a Letter of Understanding to upgrade their longstanding relationship to a strategic alliance that will develop multi segment products that will deliver high valued added maintenance solutions to the market. Read More »

President and CEO of GMF AeroAsia, Iwan Joeniarto, said: “With more than 75 years of experience in aircraft maintenance and its reputation as one of the top two MROs in the world we believe that AFI KLM E&M is an excellent partner to enhance GMF’s reputation worldwide.”

The alliance between GMF and AFI KLM E&M is one of GMF’s organic initiatives to accelerate its goal of becoming one of the top ten MROs in the world, Iwan said.

KLM E&M executive vice president, Ton Dortmans said: “We have been successful implementing the exchange of knowledge and workmanship with GMF for many years and we are happy to extend this strong partnership.”

In 2016, the two parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish MRO cooperation and in 2017 a second MoU was agreed to extend the partnership by establishing an exchange program for their expert teams.

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