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APRIL 2013


Executive shuffle at ANA

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April 1st 2013

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All Nippon Airways (ANA) has announced executive management changes at its Tokyo headquarters following ANA’s shift to a holding company structure this month. Read More »

The airline group’s former president and CEO, Shinichiro Ito, is the president and CEO of ANA Holdings Inc and the chairman of ANA Co. Ltd. Osamu Shinobe, who was an ANA executive vice-president under Ito, is the airline’s new boss.

ANA’s former chairman, Yoji Ohashi, has moved across from his chairman’s role at ANA to chairman of the new holding company.

Sun appointed CAL chairman

Huang-Hsiang Sun, the current president of Taiwan’s China Airlines (CAL) has been elected as chairman of the carrier, but will continue in his dual roles at the Taipei-based flag carrier until a new president is appointed.

Since Sun (pictured) started at CAL 41 years ago he has been a senior manager in sales and corporate planning and general manager in the airline’s European and U.S. regional offices and vice-president of CAL subsidiary, Mandarin Airlines. He has run other Taiwan-controlled carriers, Formosa Airlines, TransAsia Airways and the Yangzte River Express. He was appointed CAL president in 1988.

Also ….

Mike Ma, has been appointed to the newly created position of China Southern Airline’s general manager for New Zealand.

Geraldine Chin Moody is the new group executive People, culture and sustainability at Virgin Australia.

Yann Barbaux, until recently the vice-president of EADS Corporate Research Centre, is Airbus’ chief innovation officer. He will report directly to Airbus president and CEO, Fabrice Bregier.

Bill Peltola is the new senior director of aviation services in the Asia-Pacific for mobile satellite operator Immarsat.

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