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MARCH 2013

Regional Round-Up

Early gains for QF-Emirates alliance

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March 1st 2013

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Goodbye British Airways and hello Emirates Airlines. That’s the strong message from Qantas Airways (QF) chief executive, Alan Joyce, as he began to disclose last month some early windfalls in passenger bookings to Europe as a result of the carrier’s tie-up with the Gulf operator. Read More »

While the alliance won’t become a reality until its official launch on March 31, after receiving interim approval from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), the two carriers commenced joint sales at the beginning of February.

“In the second week we sold more than five times the bookings achieved with previous partner British Airways in the equivalent week last year,” said Joyce.

The CEO said on Qantas’ one-stop offer to Europe it had sold four times the number of seats to Barcelona as the same period last year, 13 times more to Munich, 14 times more to Copenhagen and 17 times more to Milan.

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