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MARCH 2013

Special Report: Social Media

Mobile technology on the march

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March 1st 2013

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A study released by IT provider Amadeus, in January, showed it is critical for airlines to keep up with the march of mobile technology. Read More » Developed by consultants, Frost & Sullivan, it surveyed 1,531 business and leisure travellers in seven key Asia-Pacific markets: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea and Singapore.

Among its findings:

• Forty percent of business passengers and 25% of leisure travellers now routinely use mobile devices for travel-related arrangements and bookings. This is expected to rise to about 45% and more than 50% respectively, by 2030.

• Smartphone and tablet usage is strong in Singapore, Korea and Australia and growing rapidly in developing markets such as China and Indonesia.

• Usage of smartphones by business travellers in China, India, Indonesia and Korea is especially high.

• Social media is changing the way people gather information about their travels.

• Just under one third of passengers now use social media when travelling, with Indian and Indonesian travellers being particularly avid users.

• Sixty one percent of Indonesian passengers questioned said they frequently use social media during their trips, mainly to seek advice.

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