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IATA global study forecasts jump in aviation jobs worldwide

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September 1st 2018

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An International Air Transport Association (IATA) global study has revealed that 73% of respondents forecast the major areas of job growth in the industry will be in ground operations and the customer service and cabin crew sectors in the next two years. Read More »

Identifying and attracting talented staff to their companies was identified by 48% of survey respondents as a challenge, mainly because of availability of skilled candidates and their high salary expectations.

Aviation human resources manages said that career progression ranked as a priority for 49% of their applicants and 33% of them valued development and training as reasons to stay loyal to an employer.

Only 28% of respondents believed current training programs were effective with many of them complementing their in –house training with external partners to improve staff performance.

Technology was changing customer service roles, IATA said, but was not replacing them. Other areas of growth were security and roles for regulators.

IATA commissioned the survey to better understand the decisions aviation human resources managers make to manage retention, training and skilled professionals for airlines, airports and ground handlers.

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