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Asia tops table for air passenger growth to 2037

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November 1st 2018

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Routes to, from and within the Asia-Pacific will accommodate an additional 2.35 billion passengers a year by 2037, reports the International Air Transport Association in its latest 20-year air passenger forecast. Read More »

The forecast expansion will increase the region’s global share of air traffic to 3.9 billion passengers, producing average growth of 4.8%, the highest in the world.

• China will be flying 1.6 billion passengers a year in two decades compared with one billion in 2017.

• Indian airlines will have added 414 million passengers to their books in 2037 bringing total passengers to 572 million in that year.

• Indonesia will become the fourth largest airline market in the world from its current 10th position on the global table by expanding from 132 million passengers last year to 411 million a year in 2037.

• Thailand will have 214 million passengers a year in two decades compared with 98 million to last December 31. (Passenger growth moves East, page 18.)

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