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APRIL 2019

Industry Addendum

IATA launches new perishable cargo certification

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April 1st 2019

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International Air Transport Association director (IATA) general and CEO, Alexandre de Juniac, announced a new industry certificate, the Centre for Excellence in Perishable Logistics (CEIV Fresh), to improve the handling and transport of perishable products, at the World Cargo Symposium in Singapore last month. Read More »

Launch partners Airport Authority of Hong Kong (AAHK), Cathay Pacific Airways, Cathay Pacific Services Ltd and Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Ltd (HACTL) “took a community approach to developing CEIV Fresh recognizing that the successful shipment required the alignment of many stakeholders”, said IATA head of global cargo, Glyn Hughes. “Shippers can have peace of mind knowing every entity handling their goods is operating to the same standards.”

“We are delighted to be the first airport community worldwide recognized by IATA under the CEIV Fresh program. It is a big encouragement and affirmation of the capability of the Hong Kong airport community in handling perishable products,” said AAHK CEO, Fred Lam.

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