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Business Digest

Cargo down again as PAX holds its own

June statistics

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October 1st 2013

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During the first half of the year, international passenger demand grew 4.6%,   compared with the 5.8% increase achieved in interim 2012. This is in line with the overall moderation in the region’s economic growth. The average international PLF of 77.6% matched that of the same period last year, on a 4.5% increase in available seat capacity. Read More »


International air cargo demand for Asia-Pacific carriers, expressed in freight tonne kilometres (FTKs), fell 2.1% in June compared with the same month last year, as demand continued to weaken. Offered freight capacity increased marginally, by 0.8%. This led to a 1.9 percentage point fall in the average international air freight load factor (FLF) to 66%.

During the first half of the year, international freight demand contracted 2.4%, whilst available freight capacity fell 1.1%. This resulted in a 0.9 percentage point fall in the average international FLF to 65.3%.


Preliminary statistics showed that, collectively, Asia-Pacific airlines carried 19.5 million international passengers in July, a 6.6% increase compared with the same month last year. This reflected robust demand, particularly on regional routes. Measured in RPKs, international passenger traffic grew 6.1%. With available seat capacity expanding at 6.2%, the average international PLF was maintained at a high 80%.

International air cargo demand for Asia-Pacific carriers, expressed in FTKs, fell 2.6% in July compared with the same month last year. This extended the weak market demand for cargo that has applied for the past two years. Offered freight capacity expanded 1.8%, which resulted in a deterioration in the average international FLF by 2.9 percentage points to 64.2% for the month.

* Click here for a comprehensive AAPA monthly statistics digest.
This report was compiled by the Research and Statistics Department of the AAPA Secretariat.

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