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MAY 2021

Week 21


Boeing fined US$17 million in settlement agreement with U.S. regulator over 737 breaches

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May 28th 2021

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The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has fined Boeing US$17 million after the air framer installed unapproved sensors on 759 737 MAXs and 737 NGs and submitted about 178 737 MAXs aircraft for airworthiness certification when they had potentially non-conforming slat tracks installed. Read More » The fine was handed down as part of a settlement agreement between the FAA and Boeing. "Keeping the flying public safe is our primary responsibility. That is not negotiable and the FAA will hold Boeing and the aviation industry accountable to keep our skies safe,” FAA administrator, Steve Dickson, said. The settlement agreement also requires Boeing to undertake a number of corrective actions on its procedures, risk management and production processes. The fine represented 0.03% of Boeing's annual revenue of US$58.2 billion in calendar 2020.

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