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APRIL 2014

Business Round-Up

IPO for Emirates Airline?

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April 1st 2014

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A leading government figure in Dubai, the largest city in the United Arab Emirates, said Emirates Airline, headquartered in the city, could be listed by the end of the decade, along with other Government Related Entities (GREs) such as Dubai Airport and the sheikdom’s aluminium smelting company. Read More » Dubai’s finance minister, Mohammed Al-Shaibani, told Britain’s Sunday Telegraph: “We are dead serious. I cannot list it [Emirates] now because there is still value to be created there. We don’t want to give away value just like that. Ideally, we would like to list here (Dubai), but we also have the option of a secondary listing on the London Stock Exchange, which is very strategic for us because we are the largest shareholders.” Emirates Airline forecasts it will double the number of passengers it flies to 70 million a year by 2020, using a fleet of 250 airplanes servicing two of the world’s busiest airports.

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