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Week 36


Adelaide Airport celebrates Virgin Australia's launch of three domestic routes from the city

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September 8th 2021

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Adelaide Airport managing director, Mark Young, has welcomed the start of three domestic routes, launched by Virgin Australia (VA), in the past six days. Read More » The VA services from Adelaide are three times weekly flights to Cairns, four times weekly flights to Darwin and three times weekly flights to Launceston. “Virgin Australia has further demonstrated its commitment to the Adelaide market with the launch of its Cairns, Darwin and Launceston services," Young said. “We know there is considerable demand for these destinations. At the same time, we think there will be a similarly strong flow of visitors looking to sample all South Australia has to offer including our wines and festival culture." Adelaide Airport head of business development, Jonathan Cheong, said Launceston was one of Adelaide's top unserved domestic routes. The new routes followed VA's refurbishment of its premium passenger lounge at Adelaide Airport earlier this year.

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