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Week 38


Cathay Pacific commits to 10% sustainable aviation fuel by 2030

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September 21st 2021

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Hong Kong’s Cathay Pacific has joined the flurry of airlines touting their environmental credentials with a pledge to use sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) for 10% of its total consumption by 2030. Read More » The airline already is some way there thanks to its commitment to purchase 1.1 million tonnes of SAF over 10 years from Fulcrum BioEnergy. 

This commitment will cover about 2% of its pre-COVID-19 fuel requirements annually once it takes delivery and starts using the fuel on departing US flights from 2024.

Cathay CEO, Augustus Tang, said the use of SAF was a key to decarbonising the airline’s operations and this latest commitment signalled its determination to achieve it’s 2050 net-zero emissions target and lead the fight against climate change.

But he warned the ability to achieve the target did not rest with the airline alone. “We are calling on support from various stakeholder groups to help make it a reality, from policy makers, the energy sector, aircraft and engine manufacturers, and even our customers, who are keen to reduce their carbon footprint,’’ he said.

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