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Week 42


Airports of Thailand forecasts passenger traffic to almost double in 2022

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October 21st 2021

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Airports of Thailand (AOT) predicts passenger numbers could near double next financial year from 62.13 million to 116.13 million in fiscal 2022. Read More » Predicting the increase in a revised traffic forecast filed to the Stock Exchange of Thailand on Wednesday, AOT said it expects the number of flights to increase from 483,695 to 768, 658 in fiscal 2023. By the 2024 financial year, this will have grown to 143.05 million passengers and 925,197 flights. AOT’s revised figures represented an 11.04 million decline in FY22 passengers compared with its previous forecast, with 3.06 million of that decrease coming from international operations and 7.98 million from domestic flights. The company cautioned the latest forecast assumed a best-case scenario involving significant progress in global vaccination and the successful control worldwide of infections. This would see air traffic volumes at the beginning of fiscal 2012 return to the same level as those in the 2019 financial year, it said. However, it warned all bets were off in a worst-case scenario of more contagious mutations and “uncontrollable vaccination problems”. This could lead to “low passenger confidence as well as airlines’ slow adaptation and a decline of high to moderate levels of their service capacity, resulting in a slower recovery in air traffic volumes than usual”, it said.

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