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MAY 2014

Regional Round-Up

PAL says no to shark fin

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May 1st 2014

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Philippine Airlines (PAL) has joined several carriers in the Asia-Pacific in banning the carriage of shark fin. Read More » Before the decision was announced, the Manila-based flag carrier had been outed by regional conservation groups for transporting a 6.8 tonne shipment of shark fin to Hong Kong from Dubai. A PAL spokesperson said: “It’s a total stop. We are stopping the shipments on all fronts, not just to Hong Kong.” Advocacy agencies, WildLifeRisk and Fins Attached, said they found 136 bags, each continuing 50 kgs of dried shark fins, in a recently arrived shipment to Hong Kong from Dubai in mid-April. The ocean-advocacy group would like Singapore Airlines and Thai Airways International to follow the example of several carriers in region who have, or plan to ban air cargo transport of shark fins.

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