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MARCH 2022

Week 10


Boeing extends 787 delivery drought in February

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March 10th 2022

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Boeing's February orders and deliveries report shows the company did not deliver any 787s for an eighth consecutive month as it continued to work through a manufacturing issue with the type. Read More » The last 787 delivery was in June 2021. Boeing handed over 20 737 MAXs, one 777F freighter and one 747-8F freighter in February and said it had 37 gross commercial aircraft orders for the month. They were 18 737 MAXs from Air Lease Corporation and 14 737 MAXs and five 777F freighters from unidentified customers. Year-to-date orders, net of cancellations and conversions, stood at 107 aircraft, up from 75 aircraft at the end of January.

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