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APRIL 2022

Week 16


Virgin Australia reopens lounges for invitation-only loyalty program members

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April 21st 2022

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Virgin Australia (VA) has opened the doors of its three invitation-only passenger lounges at Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney airports. Read More » The lounges are part of VA's Beyond loyalty program. The airline’s frequent flyer program was known as The Club until private equity firm, Bain Capital, took control of VA in 2020. VA CEO, Jayne Hrdlicka, said “the program forms part of the wider offering Virgin Australia is bringing to the market. From airfare pricing to rewards through Velocity Frequent Flyer and great travel experiences in our lounges and on board our flights, we are incredibly focussed on having the right mix of products and services to meet our 33% domestic market share ambitions this year. We know Beyond is going to be very popular with business leaders looking for premium travel experiences for their businesses matched with great value airfares."

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Harry Willis says:

December 14th 2023 01:39pm

This is for anyone seeking to recover their data or funds lost to scammers on the internet. I sent out $132,000.00 worth of BTC to this broker named E29  Crypto Marketers. My experience was a good business proposal turned sour. l was added to a crypto learning and trading group on Telegram. I thought it was real, unfortunately, they are like other fraudsters found on the internet and online romance apps, I only knew about their fraudulent activities after losing my investment to E-29 marketers. l would have lost all my invested funds to this online scam scheme. with the quick help of these professionals in reclaiming stolen money. I found their reviews on Google, After my research about them, I concluded they were the perfect recovery expert to hire to recover my stolen cryptos. I never regret coming in contact with CYBER GENIE HACK PRO team. Within the short period I spent conversing with them during the recovery process, I learned a lot more than the four walls of a school. They can be reached via their details below: Watsapp; +1 (252) 512-0391 Telegram;  CYBERGENIEHACKPRO... Web; cybergeniehackpro (.) xyz/  

Aalia Taylor says:

October 24th 2023 09:51pm

I never believe my husband could go out with another lady after all that we have been through with him. After I got a job and was making good money, I started buying some properties and since he was the love of my life, I decided to put all of these properties in his name. This was the greatest mistake I made and regretting my action now that he left me with nothing. I have been suffering with our 2 kids. He left us homeless and this made me run to my uncle for help. I talked to my uncle, told him all that was happening and that is when he introduced me to a hacker, WIZARD JAMES who will help me get back my property from him by hacking into his account and help me get back all my properties and everything that belongs to me. I asked my uncle if it was even possible for that to happen? Since I was scared and at the moment homeless with my kids, I decided to give it a try and I contacted him through his email. He asked for all the details about him and his phone number. After 2 days, he emailed me some documents from his email and the conversations that he had with the woman he was cheating on me with. With this information, it was a 100 percent guarantee I will get back my property once I take him to court. My uncle got me a hell heck of a lawyer that all my assets were returned to me after 13 days. Am very proud of myself and mostly grateful to WIZARD JAMES for saving my life and that of my children. Right now, he is trying to come back to me but I’ll never give him the chance. Instead I gave him a divorce. Women and men out there facing the same issue should contact him at his email address: (wizardjamesrecovery (@) usa (.) com) or text him on WhatsApp No: +4-4-7-4-1-8-3-6-7-2-0-4

Alice Friedrich says:

October 19th 2023 03:06pm

I read a review about this hacker, WIZARD JAMES whose job is to clone any target’s phone and get you any information on either; Facebook, WeChat, WhatsApp Messages, Emails and many more from the phone. I got in touch with him about my spouse's phone and was shocked when I got to see the text messages and deleted messages from the phone. He really did save me from this toxic relationship. I recommend this hacker WIZARDJAMESRECOVERY (AT) USA .COM for all your spy and hack related issues. WhatsApp contact: (+44)(7418)-(367204)

Marie Barnally says:

October 17th 2023 06:16am

Wizard James Recovery (WIZARDJAMESRECOVERY @ USA . COM) is a professional hacker beyond human imagination. He believes in the minimal effect of words instead delivers 100 percent; you can testify to yourself once you use his services. He penetrates all databases without a trace. Hacking into mobile phones is a walk in the park. All he needs is the target's phone number to break into and gain total control over it without touching the target’s phone remotely and this is without traces on the target's phone. This includes listening to recordings of phone conversations, reading text messages, even accessing passwords and all social media accounts. He is really good at what he does and I experienced this through working with him


April 21st 2022 11:05am

When i noticed that my girlfriend started spending more time on her phone and recieving calls at odd hours, it became a thing of concern. I got paranoid because she has cheated on me twice and this is how it all started. I really did not have the strength to go through that heart break again. Also, it was really difficult to ask her because I may be wrong and it'll hurt her so much that after two years has passed I'm still hung up on the past and do not trust her enough. Either way I didn't want to hurt her or get hurt. I indirectly asked her but she gave me a very vague answer. I tried occupying myself with work to get my mind off the whole situation but she just kept acting weirder as the days flew by. I talked to my brother about it and he suggested that i spy on her. I gave it a good thought and I concluded that it was the best approach so i made research and the reviews about ALIENMAN.HACKER AT GMAIL DOT COM i caught my attention as i saw a familiar name. I contacted her (CAMILLE, an acquintance) and she told me it was legit so i contacted him, his rate is very affordable. He helped me hack into her mobile devices and I found out that she was only trying to suprise me on my birthday by bringing in my sister who I haven't seen in four years. I feel so terrible but I am glad it wasn't something hurtful. The way ALIENMAN.HACKER AT GMAIL got this sorted out was amusing and I suggest you contact him for any related services.


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